Mooring Services
Bay Marine Works (2024) Ltd are the Bay of Plenty Regional Council swing mooring service providers and hold approved contractor status. We provide inspection & compliance certificates, service & upgrade existing moorings, as well as engineer & design advice around mooring construction.
A required inspection certificate will also validate your vessel insurance. Registered swing moorings are required to be inspected and serviced every two years, a condition of the consent with BOPRC. Failure to do so could result in your mooring being forfeited and your vessel insurance invalidated.
When servicing moorings, we lift the whole mooring out of the water to allow us to measure all components, (chain, shackles, swivels etc) for wear. Components must be replaced when they have worn down a certain amount (check specifications below for specifics).
We clean the whole length of rope of any mussel and weed growth, scrub the float and re-name and number it with the owners name and registration number. All components are recorded and the wear is recorded at each subsequent service.
If any repairs are required we are able to do them on the spot as we carry all chains, ropes, shackles, swivels, floats etc with us, along with gas cutting and welding equipment.
Continued Responsibility between servicing.
Until the next biennial service it is your responsibility to keep a close check on the condition of the mooring rope and float and to keep it as clean as possible to prevent the weight of growth from sinking the float.
Ropes can wear very quickly at friction points, i.e: fairleads, bollards, cleats, anchor rests etc.
A mooring system has to:
1. Safely and effectively secure your vessel
2. Comply with Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) standards https://www.boprc.govt.nz/media/530659/mooring-specifications-2016.pdf